Wedding photography
For me I love to capture the little things
The touching of hands
The little look at each other
A smile when you think no one is looking
The candid shot
But of course the big moments are just as important
I have done many weddings and I believe I am starting to get my own style
I like to use my zoom lens so I can be as close to the action as I need to be
but without invading the moment
Of course weddings can be tailored to suit your own taste and preferences
depending on
what shots are most important to you
All ideas are welcome
Favourite Shots
Before all my weddings
I would go to the venue/venues
Have a look around
Make notes of any ideas I have
I like to meet up at least once
Have a cup of tea and chat about your big day
Find out what shots are most important to you
Bounce ideas about so we get exactly what you want
Discuss the times and order of your day
As I don't want to miss a thing
I'm always just at the end of the phone so if you have any
idea's you want to mention or
to discuss anything just ask